
Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pricing Game

In reviewing an agreement from a First Data direct sales rep to one of our merchants we found some interesting information. the merchant was at pass-through + $0.06 with us. First Data direct was offering pass-through + $0.039 and telling them how they would save them thousands of dollars. When looking on the 3rd page of the agreement they list a network access fee of $0.0269 which would get charged on all transactions. So if you add their trans fee ($0.039 + $0.0269 = $0.0659), thus higher than what the merchant currently pays with us. I just wanted to share this example because it is a good example of what can and does happen. The proposal sheet given to the merchant showed pass-through + $0.039 trans fee. Not a lie, but it also didn't disclose all costs. The agreement allowed us to do a true apples to apples comparison. The merchant didn't catch and/or know what that fee meant. This is why it is VERY important to get a copy of the merchant agreement and not just base a decision off of a proposal. Too many lies and/or half truths out there.....

Friday, February 19, 2010

PCI Compliance

PCI Made Easier

Data breaches and credit card fraud are growing concerns for customers and merchants. That is why PCI was created, to ensure payments made by credit and debit cards are handled in the safest way possible. Every merchant with a Merchant ID Number must comply with PCI security standards (PCI-DSS).

Checkmypci.com is committed to helping merchants achieve compliance with PCI-DSS in a simple, easy to understand process.

What is PCI compliance?

PCI compliance is a set of standards to protect personal information while it is being stored and/or processed. Failure to meet compliance standards can result in fines from credit card companies and banks and even the loss of the ability to process credit cards.

To begin checking your PCI Compliance contact your account manager or go to www.checkmypci.com